Guna is one of the shadpadarthas.the guna exists in the dravya.there is no any dravya which is does not contain guna and the guna does not exist without dravya..
The word guna is derived from guna aamantrane.that which is responsible for the attraction of the dravya is called as guna.
The guna is dravyashrita ,gunashrita ,and karmashrita.that is the guna takes ashraya in dravya ;has no guna and karma.
Having gunatva jati is the samanya lakshana of guna.
Ayurveda accepts 41 gunas.
Vaisheshika darshana accepts 24 gunas.
Ayurveda classifies the 41 gunas in to following types.
Sartha gunas – they are the vishaya of 5 jnanendriyas
Shabda ,sparsha ,rupa ,rasa ,and gandha.
Guruvadi gunas – they are 20 in number.
Guru – laghu ,manda – tikshana , hima – ushna ,snigdha – ruksha ,slakshana – khara , Sandra – drava , mrudu – Katina ,sthira – sara ,sukshma – sthula ,vishada – pischila .
Atma gunas – buddhi ,sukha ,dukha ,iccha ,dwesha ,praytna.
Paradi gunas – they are 10 in number.they are paratva ,apartva ,yukti ,sankhya ,vibhaga ,prutakatva ,parimana ,samskara ,abhyasa.
They are 5 in number.
Shabda ,sparsha ,rupa ,rasa ,and gandha.
The guna which is perceived through SHROTRENDRIYA is called as shabda.
The shabda is of two types
1 Dhwanyatmaka
2 Varnatmakam
The dhwani is the sound produced by the instruments like beating of drums.
The varnatmaka shabda is the vocal sound produced by pronouncing the letters.
Varnatmaka is of two types
1 sarthaka
2 nirartaka
Nirartaka shabda has no meaning.
Sarthaka shabda gives specific is used for communication.
The sarthaka shabda is again two types.
1 mithya
2 yatharta
The mithya shabda is not considered as authentic , because it gives false knowledge.
The yatharta shabda gives real knowledge; hence it is a pramana.
The shabda guna has practical importance in Ayurveda.
The prashnapariksha of rogi is dependent on the basis of shabda pronounced by the patient.
The questionnaire makes the patient to answer;which should be considered as sarthaka shabda.
Shabda is one of ashta sthana pariksha explained by yogaratnara.
The change is the voice of the patient may be the indication of any diseased condition.
Deafness or impairment in hearing is diagnosed on the basis of shabda itself.
Specific swara of the patients are inactive of arishta lakshana that the signs and symptoms of forthcoming death.
The guna which is perceived only through tvagendriya is called sparsha.
Sparsha is of three types.
Sheeta sparsha seen in jala ;
Ushna sparsha is obtained in teja;
Anushna sparsha is present in vayu and prutvi.
The body temperature,mrudu,khatinatva,of any body part,swelling,their size,shape,consistency are examined by sparsha.
uEnlargement of organs is assessed by sparsha.
The guna which is perceived through chakshurendriya is called as rupa.
The rupa is of 7 types – Shukla, neela, peeta, rakta, haritha, kapisha, chitra.
Rupa is the vishesha guna of agnimahabhuta.
Darshana pariksha of rogi is done by the help of rupa guna.
By the darshana pariksha ,the built ,nourishment of the body ,colour,complexion of the skin is examined.
Arishta lakshana is relation to varna are explained in charaka.
The guna which is perceived through rasendriya is called as RASA.
This is the vishesha guna of jala mahabhuta.
Madhura ,amla , lavana ,-reduce vata.
Tikta ,katu ,kashaya ,-reduce kapha.
Kashaya ,tikta ,madhura –reduce pitta.
The ahara dravyas are considered to be rasa pradhana dravyas.
Bad taste in mouth ,tastelessness are on the basis of rasa.
The guna which perceived through grahanendriya is called gandha.
The gandha is of two types surabhi , asurabhi.
The gandha of the sharira is helpful in the diagnosis of many diseases.
The odour of purisha,mutra,vranastrava etc.
In case of tikshna gandha yukta dravyas like vacha , hingu etc are used for treatment.
The sharira gandha in the patient may be even the arishta lakshana.
Guruvadi gunas play important part in Ayurveda chikitsa.these gunas are responsible for the karma of the dravya.
These gunas are infered through their action.
Guruvadi gunas are 20 in numbers.
Guru –laghu sthira-sara
Manda-tikshna sukshma-sthula
Hima-ushna vishada-pischila.
The guna which is responsible for the bramhana karma of the dravya is called guru guna.
The guru guna causes debility ,nourishing ,and increases the bulk of the body.
The guru guna is vatahara,pushtikara,kaphakara and takes more time for getting digested.
The guna which is responsible for the langhana karma of the dravya is called laghu .it produces laghuta of sharira.
Laghu is considered as pathya for all,that is the individual is advised to take laghuna yukta ahara .
It is kapha hara and gets easily digested.
The guna which is responsible for the shamana karma of the dravya is called manda.
It pacifies or reduces the spreading or flow of the substance.
The manda delays all the activities ,hence makes all the happenings late or slowly.
The guna which is responsible for the shodhana kama of the dravya is called teekshna .
It increases the spread ,flow or spreading of substances.
Teekshna guna causes daha,paka,srava.thus teekshana guna expels the substance out of the body.
The guna which is responsible for the stambhana karma of the dravya is called hima.
Sheeta guna gives satisfaction or happiness;does the stoppage of all types of flow like chardi ,atisara,rakta srava reduces the speed of moving relieves murcha ,trushna ,sweda daha.
The guna which is responsible for the swedana karma of the dravya is called as ushna.the ushna guna enhances the sweating and other secretions by increasing the spead of flow.
It enhances the pachana karma that is digests ahara quickly.
The guna which is responsible for the kledana karma of the dravya is called the as snigdha .the snigdha guna moistens the substance .
Snigdha guna produces snehana ,murudatva ,in the sharira,is balavruddhikara and varnakara.
Snigdha guna pacifies vata ,increases sleshma.
The guna which is responsible for the shoshana karma of the dravya is called ruksha .this guna dries up the moisture ;thus reduces secretions.
It causes drying up ,producing the roughness ,hardness ,roughness,and it reduces the secretions by drying up the moisture.
Slakshana -khara
The guna which is responsible for the ropana karma of the dravya is as sakshana .
The slakshana guna is slippery is due to smoothness.
Slakshana is devoid of sneha or moisture;even it may be hard but slippery.
The guna which is responsible for the lekhana kama of the dravya is called khara.
It cleans the surface by scraping out of the adhesions.
The guna which is responsible for prasadana karma of the dravya is called Sandra.
The liquid portion is reduced and hence becomes thick ;which slows down the movement ,produces obstruction in the srotas by seting down.
When liquid is dried it becomes thick and adhesive.that guna is Sandra.
The guna which is responsible for the vilodana karma of the dravya is drava.
The drava guna liquefies the substance,reduces the density.
The guna which is responsible for the slatana karma of the dravya is called as mrudu.
The mrudu guna softens ,produces looseness of the tissues or the substances.
The guna which is responsible for the drudhikarana karma of the called as khatina.
The khatina guna hardnes of the body parts or substance even it hardens the purisha ,causing constipation.
The guna which is responsible for the dharana karma of the dravya is called sthira.
The guna stablises the body parts,obstructs the substances from flowing.
The guna which is responsible for the prerana karma of the dravya is called as sara.
It facilitates the vata ,mutra ,shukra and arthava.
Sara guna also called as chala guna.
The guna which is responsible for the vivarana karma of the dravya is called as sukshma.
Sukshma guna makes the dravya to enter in to minute pores of the sharira.
The guna which is responsible for the samvana karma of the dravya is called as sthula.
This covers the srotas or blocks the passages and hence stops the movement of dravya through this guna ,the dravya cannot move inside the srotas.
The guna which is responsible for the lepana karma of the dravya is called picchila.
It creates a coating or layer over the surface.due to covering,it protects the sharira from scraping.
The guna which is responsible for the kshalana karma of dravya is called vishada.
When the wound is clean and dry ,the wound gets healed quickly.
The vishada guna cleanes the debris on the surface by sucking the moisture.
The atma guna are in 6 in number. They are….
The jnana which is responsible for all types of vyavahara is called as buddhi.
Buddhi classified in to 2 types
1 smruti/smarana
2 anubhava/anubhuti
The remembrance of visualized,listened or experienced objects is smruti.
Smruti is of two types 1 bhavita smruti ,2 abhavita smruti .
Getting the jnana during sleep that in dreams is bhavita smruti.and getting the jnana in jagrata avastha is abhavita smruti.
2 anubhava is the jnana obtained through direct is also called as anubhuti.
It is of two types 1 yatharthanubhava ,2 true knowledge ,it is nothing but prama.
Ayatharthanubhava is mithya is of three types.
Samshaya ,vipryaya ,and tarka.
The guna which gives comfort is gives desired effect.
The guna of the vishaya which makes the indriya ,mana ,atma ,to feel comfortable ,satisfied ,is called sukha.
The guna which harms is produced by destruction of the beneficial thing.
This unsatisfactory feeling is causes harm to others.
When the indriya comes in contact with anishta vishaya the indriya ,atma feel discomfort which is called as dukha.
Desire on any vishaya is iccha.
The desire to get the vishayas either for onself or for the benefits of others is iccha.
Hatredness on any vishaya is dwesha.
The dwesha is produced due to dukha smruti obtaines from the vishaya.the dwesha may be either tanmayatajanya ,adrushta vishesha, or jaati vishesha.
Tanmayatajanya dwesha is hatredness on the vishaya which had produced dukha previously ;like the pricking of which is already experienced.
Adhrusta vishesha dwesha is only because of the others sayings about dukha.
Jaati vishesha is natural among the enemies by birth ;like snake and the manoose.
The activity or doing any work is prayatna.
It is initiating the work.
Paratva refers to pradhanatva or superiority or shreshtatva or having close relations or most suitable.
Aparatva is apradhana or kanishta having far relations or less suitable.
Eg; sheeta kala is para for swastya ,ushna kala is apara .
Planned combination or mixing is called as yukti.
In the chikitsa ,the number of medicines ,in which proportion ,for how many days etc planning and suitable combination depends on yukti guna.
Proper planning or combination of medicines by considering desha ,dosha ,kala etc.
The guna which gives the numbers or counting is eka ,dwi,thri.
Sankhya is responsible for the counting.
The sankhya gives numbers ,days,objects, thridosha,sapaha.
The union or joining of the substance is called as samyoga.
This samyoga is anitya as the union is separable.
The separation of the substance is vibhaga.
It seperates or divides the united substance.
Distinguishing one substance from the other is called as prutakatwa.
Prutakatwa in 3 conditions
Parimana guna gives the gives quantitative measurements.
Parimana are important in deciding the dose of the medicines quantity of mutra ,purisha and amount of ahara.
It means manipulation of the gunas is samsakara.
Samskara is attainin the gunantara that is changing the quality of the dravya either by adding or by removing.
Doing any activity or work in proper manner is samskara.
Usage of any bhava padartha again and again is abhyasa.
Abhyasa means continuous practice ,which makes the person perfect in that work.
Doing any karya again and again repeatedly is satata kriya.
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