Cardio-Respiratory & General Physiotherapy
Description :
We offer 1. Anatomical and Physiological differences between the Adult and Pediatric lung. 2. Bedside assessment of the patient-Adult & Pediatric. 3. Investigations and tests – Exercise tolerance Testing – Cardiac & Pulmonary, Radiography, PFT, ABG, ECG, Hematological and Biochemical Tests 4. Physiotherapy techniques to increase lung volume – controlled mobilization, positioning, breathing exercises, Neurophysiological Facilitation of Respiration, Mechanical aids - Incentive Spirometry, CPAP,IPPB 5. Physiotherapy techniques to decrease the work of breathing – Measures to optimize the balance between energy supply and demand, positioning, Breathing re-education – Breathing control techniques, mechanical aids – IPPB, CPAP, BiPAP 6. Physiotherapy techniques to clear secretions – Hydration, Humidification & Nebulisation, Mobilisation and Breathing exercises, Postural Drainage, Manual techniques – Percussion, Vibration and Shaking, Rib Springing, ACBT, Autogenic Drainage, Mechanical Aids – PEP, Flutter, IPPB, Facilitation of Cough and Huff, Nasopharyngeal Suctioning 7. Drug therapy – Drugs to prevent and treat inflammation, Drugs to treat Bronchospasm, Drugs to treat Breathlessness, Drugs to help sputum clearance, Drugs to inhibit coughing, Drugs to improve ventilation, Drugs to reduce pulmonary hypertension, Drug delivery doses, Inhaled Nebulisers. 8. Management of wound ulcers- Care of ulcers and wounds - Care of surgical scarsU.V.R and other electro therapeutics for healing of wounds, prevention of Hypergranulated Scars Keoloids, Electrotherapeutics measures for relief of pain during mobilization of scars tissues 9. Physiotherapy in dermatology -Documentation of assessment, treatment and follow up skin conditions. U.V.R therapy in various skin conditions; Vitiligo; Hair loss; Pigmentation; Infected wounds ulcers. Faradic foot bath for Hyperhydrosis. Care of anesthetic hand and foot; Evaluation, planning and management of leprosy- prescription, fitting and training with prosthetic and orthotic devices. 10. Neonatal and Pediatric Physiotherapy – Chest physiotherapy for children, The neonatal unit, Modifications of chest physiotherapy for specific neonatal disorders, Emergencies in the neonatal unit. 11. Physiotherapy in Obstructive lung conditions 12. Physiotherapy in Restrictive lung conditions. 13. Management of breathlessness. 14. Pulmonary Rehabilitation. 15. Physiotherapy following Lung surgeries. 16. Respiratory failure – Oxygen Therapy and Mechanical Ventilation. Introduction to ICU : ICU monitoring –Apparatus, Airways and Tubes used in the ICU -Physiotherapy in the ICU – Common conditions in the ICU – Tetanus, Head Injury, Lung Disease, Pulmonary Oedema, Multiple Organ Failure, Neuromuscular Disease, Smoke Inhalation, Poisoning, Aspiration, Near Drowning, ARDS, Shock; Dealing with an Emergency Situation in the ICU. 17. Burns management - Role of physiotherapy in the management of burns, post grafted cases- Mobilization and Musculo-skeletal restorative exercises following burns. 18. Physiotherapy management following cardiac surgeries. 19. Cardiac Rehabilitation. 20. Physiotherapy management following Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD). 21. Abdominal Surgeries - Management of Pulmonary Restorative Dysfunction following surgical procedures on Abdomen and Thorax. 22. Management of Amputations following Diabetes, PVD - Prosthesis in amputations of lower limbs following ulcers and gangrenes 23. Physiotherapy intervention in the management of Medical, Surgical and Radiation Oncology Cases 24. Home program and education of family members in patient care. 25. Physiotherapy in Obstetrics – Antenatal Care, Antenatal Education, Postnatal Care. Electrotherapy and Exercise Therapy measures for the re-education of Ano-Urethral sphincter. 26. Treatment, Response to exercise and Implications of Physiotherapy in the following disease conditions: Hypertension, Diabetes, Renal Failure and Obesity. 27. Geriatrics: Problems in old age, role of physiotherapy in elderly. We cover all theoretical aspects of the syllabus and give clarification and support for hand-on training from experts. We give you unit tests, paper valuation techniques and continuous feedback on where to focus more. We offer interactive discussion forum to support your studies. Please contact us to get more details from subject experts.
Topics :
1. Anatomical and Physiological differences between the Adult and Pediatric lung. 2. Bedside assessment of the patient-Adult & Pediatric. 3. Investigations and tests – Exercise tolerance Testing – Cardiac & Pulmonary, Radiography, PFT, ABG, ECG, Hematological and Biochemical Tests 4. Physiotherapy techniques to increase lung volume – controlled mobilization, positioning, breathing exercises, Neurophysiological Facilitation of Respiration, Mechanical aids - Incentive Spirometry, CPAP,IPPB 5. Physiotherapy techniques to decrease the work of breathing – Measures to optimize the balance between energy supply and demand, positioning, Breathing re-education – Breathing control techniques, mechanical aids – IPPB, CPAP, BiPAP 6. Physiotherapy techniques to clear secretions – Hydration, Humidification & Nebulisation, Mobilisation and Breathing exercises, Postural Drainage, Manual techniques – Percussion, Vibration and Shaking, Rib Springing, ACBT, Autogenic Drainage, Mechanical Aids – PEP, Flutter, IPPB, Facilitation of Cough and Huff, Nasopharyngeal Suctioning 7. Drug therapy – Drugs to prevent and treat inflammation, Drugs to treat Bronchospasm, Drugs to treat Breathlessness, Drugs to help sputum clearance, Drugs to inhibit coughing, Drugs to improve ventilation, Drugs to reduce pulmonary hypertension, Drug delivery doses, Inhaled Nebulisers. 8. Management of wound ulcers- Care of ulcers and wounds - Care of surgical scarsU.V.R and other electro therapeutics for healing of wounds, prevention of Hypergranulated Scars Keoloids, Electrotherapeutics measures for relief of pain during mobilization of scars tissues 9. Physiotherapy in dermatology -Documentation of assessment, treatment and follow up skin conditions. U.V.R therapy in various skin conditions; Vitiligo; Hair loss; Pigmentation; Infected wounds ulcers. Faradic foot bath for Hyperhydrosis. Care of anesthetic hand and foot; Evaluation, planning and management of leprosy- prescription, fitting and training with prosthetic and orthotic devices. 10. Neonatal and Pediatric Physiotherapy – Chest physiotherapy for children, The neonatal unit, Modifications of chest physiotherapy for specific neonatal disorders, Emergencies in the neonatal unit. 11. Physiotherapy in Obstructive lung conditions 12. Physiotherapy in Restrictive lung conditions. 13. Management of breathlessness. 14. Pulmonary Rehabilitation. 15. Physiotherapy following Lung surgeries. 16. Respiratory failure – Oxygen Therapy and Mechanical Ventilation. Introduction to ICU : ICU monitoring –Apparatus, Airways and Tubes used in the ICU -Physiotherapy in the ICU – Common conditions in the ICU – Tetanus, Head Injury, Lung Disease, Pulmonary Oedema, Multiple Organ Failure, Neuromuscular Disease, Smoke Inhalation, Poisoning, Aspiration, Near Drowning, ARDS, Shock; Dealing with an Emergency Situation in the ICU. 17. Burns management - Role of physiotherapy in the management of burns, post grafted cases- Mobilization and Musculo-skeletal restorative exercises following burns. 18. Physiotherapy management following cardiac surgeries. 19. Cardiac Rehabilitation. 20. Physiotherapy management following Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD). 21. Abdominal Surgeries - Management of Pulmonary Restorative Dysfunction following surgical procedures on Abdomen and Thorax. 22. Management of Amputations following Diabetes, PVD - Prosthesis in amputations of lower limbs following ulcers and gangrenes 23. Physiotherapy intervention in the management of Medical, Surgical and Radiation Oncology Cases 24. Home program and education of family members in patient care. 25. Physiotherapy in Obstetrics – Antenatal Care, Antenatal Education, Postnatal Care. Electrotherapy and Exercise Therapy measures for the re-education of Ano-Urethral sphincter. 26. Treatment, Response to exercise and Implications of Physiotherapy in the following disease conditions: Hypertension, Diabetes, Renal Failure and Obesity. 27. Geriatrics: Problems in old age, role of physiotherapy in elderly.