Occupational Therapy-1
Description :
We cover Joint Range of Motion (R.O.M), (Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Spine & TM joints),Demonstration , Hands on practice on peers, models or clients under supervision, interactive,sessions, following clinical and/or simulated audio‐visual presentations, Muscle Strength, simulated case presentations,on models and clinical diagnosis using audio visuals, practice on peers, models & patients under supervision, Muscle Tone, Coordination, Sensation, Perception, Cognition, Endurance, Hand Functions & Evaluation Methods, Therapeutic exercises, Therapeutic Modalities in Occupational Therapy. We cover all theoretical aspects of the syllabus and give clarification and support for hand-on training from experts. We give you unit tests, paper valuation techniques and continuous feedback on where to focus more. We offer interactive discussion forum to support your studies. Please contact us to get more details from subject experts.
Topics :
Joint Range of Motion (R.O.M), (Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Spine & TM joints),Demonstration , Hands on practice on peers, models or clients under supervision, interactive,sessions, following clinical and/or simulated audio‐visual presentations, Muscle Strength, simulated case presentations,on models and clinical diagnosis using audio visuals, practice on peers, models & patients under supervision, Muscle Tone, Coordination, Sensation, Perception, Cognition, Endurance, Hand Functions & Evaluation Methods, Therapeutic exercises, Therapeutic Modalities in Occupational Therapy.